BaNyak sebenaRnya naK ciTer Nih..TaPi hOLd Dulu sebab LebIh berMinAt anD saNGAt naK shAre DengAn kOraNG suMer teNtaNG saTu KisaH..yaNg maNA..beTapa zaLimnYa kIta as Manusia..
KisaH seeKor aNjIng sURviVor..
KaT bawaH nih Yang verSion EngLisH..TaPi kaLAu naK baCa yaNg meLayu PunYa sILer kLik sIni Eh..
March 16, 2011: An emaciated Pitbull-mix is discovered in a garbage bag by maintenance workers at the bottom of a 19-story tall garbage chute. The dog is immobile, but ALIVE. This is how he looked on arrival that Newark's animal shelter that night. CLICK THE PHOTO TO SEE PICS OF HIS RECOVERY...
The 22 story apartment building is equipped with garbage chutes on each floor for tenants. Someone had no more use for this dog. They had starved it to near death, put it in a garbage bag and threw it down the garbage chute. A maintenance worker cleans out the bin every few days and on Wednesday, March 16th, they were cleaning out the contents of the container to go directly into a trash compacter. The bag moved a little and the worker opened it to find a moribund dog inside -- pathetically thin, cold and near death.
The City of Newark Animal Control was contacted and ACO Arthur Skinner picked up the dog and brought him directly to the Society. The veterinary staff immediately put him on intravenous fluid.His temperature was so low that it did not even register on the thermomenter. He was covered with heating pads and blankets.
After a brief time at the Society's Newark facility, he was ambulanced to Garden State Veterinary Specialists in Tinton Falls -- a referral hospital with 24 hour emergency care. If he died during that night, we feel he would know that everyone loved and cared about him and treated him gently and lovingly. He amazed everyone at the Society and at Garden State by surviving with the 24 hour emergency care that they rendered. He was given a blood transfusion, a bath -- and even a walk! In honor of the first day of his re-birth, we call him Patrick -- in honor of St. Patrick's Day and we hope he has the luck of the Irish!
After few day he could sit up again
22 March 2011 - Bright light still hurt his eyes
Here his sits among gifts his fans were already sending him
His first poop after being rescued. If there's something coming out, it means his systems is working out - a major milestone in his recovery
Easter, Late april 2011 - Six weeks into recovery..
October 2011 - 8 month into recovery
Christmas 2011 - 9 months into recovery
masa MemULa tengok GambAr first Tu..saYer iNgatkan BangKAi anJing..Hmmm...
kita seLaLu menaFikAn haK mereKa kaT bUmi NIh..KiTa juMpa..kIta maRah..Kita TendaNg-tenDang...Kita sePak-sePak biLa dioraNg miNta maKAn..kiTa geLi nak Sentuh DiorAng..kiteR buAng diorAng kaT pasaR..kaT tepI jaLAn..LebIh keJAm kITer piSahkan anaK-aNAk diorAng daRi iBu diorAng..maK nak..aNak tak NAk..biLa suruH neUter Or sPay..KoNon dosa..Bih Tu ko pIsahkaN mak dengAN anak Dia paDa saaT saNG anak maSih memErLukan Susu mak Dia TAk dosa ke??
taKde Lah akU caKaP kIta kena PegI senTuh aNjIng tU..taPi hoW boUt kUCing?? Kiter taKutkaN anaK-aNak kiTer denGAn haIwaN..KonoNnYa haiWan aKan menGgaNas kaLAu kiter deKat denGAn diOraNg..taPi buKankah HaiwaN tak beraKaL yang Mana dioRang hanYa akaN meLawaN kaLau beRasa teranCam..maaf Lah kaLau saYer terKasaR bahaSa..taPi kiTa menGAku kiTa khaLifaH di BumI aLLaH nIh..taPi kenaPa kiter meNafiKan haK diOraNg..BiLer dioraNg minTa maKAn kiTer nafIkan haK dioraNg meLaLui reZeki yang aLLah UtusKAn meLaLui Kiter...PasTu unTuk aniMaL Lover..KonOn aniMaL Lover..tapI haNya aMik yaNg caNtek-caNteK jerr...yaNg kOtOr Yang straYs..hagHammmm...haaH..anImaL Lover Lah sanGAt!!
Ini BukTi yang ALLah nak TuNjukkan..seLagi aLLah naK dia HiduP kat Dunia Nih apApOn jaDi...dia teTap aDa haK kaT muka bumi NIh.. Dah tereMo Laaa..maaFLaa..bUkan nak Kata seSaper..taKde nIat..Nih Cuma Luahan Hati..sIAn Lah kaT dioraNG nih..dioRang TAk Leh naK bersUAra maCam kiter..Kan?? kan??
Nih Pon jaDi coNtoH untuK kiTer GAk..berPantanG ajaL sebeLom maUt..Tak yah naK berSeraH sanGAt..usaHA LebiH skit..jaNgan Nak tunGgU oraNg datanG menYuap Jerrr..
Paham Tak??
~kaLAu Lah saYer banyaK duet..~
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