Monday, May 3, 2010

beLieVe it oR NoT??

Dear God:
The lady reading this
is beautiful, classy and
strong, and I love her.
Help her live her life to the fullest.
Please promote her and cause her to excel above her expectations.
Help her shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love.
Protect her at all times, lift her up when she needs you the most,
let her know when she walks with you,
She will always be safe.
Love you Girl!!!!
Now you're on the clock!!!!
In 9 minutes something will make you happy. ;-)
But you have to tell 9 sisters you love them, including me.  


KoraNg perCaya TaK meNda-menDa NIh?? aKu TaK percaYA saNgaT pon taPi dIa puNYa wORdS tu sweeT LaH uNtUk diBaca..muNgkIn aKan memBuaT kaN pembaCaNya raSa caLm aND peAceFuL..TaPi Yang maLas Tu wOrdS baWah tu Laaa..kena seNd kat oRang-OraNg sO tHen yOu wiLL geT sOmetHiNg in ReTurn..aKu bUkaN pe..Aku maLas nAk fOrwaRd2 Nih..aKu cUma aKan foRwaRd kaLau emaIL tU aDaLaH sOmeThIng YaNG bebEnaR aKu raSa penTing..TaPi jaNGan saLah paHam Lak..TaK berMakna aku TaK dOAkaN keKAwaN aKu eK..masih DoaKan Lerr..cUma iDok Leerr menGgUnakAn emEL2 CaMNih..paStu keKAdaNg kan kaT baWaH eMEL tU aDa tULis..If YoU dO nOt forWaRD tHis To uR fRens sOmetHing baD wiLL haPPen..Hahahahaha..LaGi Lah aKU taK fOrwARdnYerr...seBAb kaNg menYusaHkan PLak keKawaN aKu naK kenA fORwaRd kaT oRaNG LeN pLak..Haaa..TenGok aDa kaN iNi berMaKna aKU taK saYaNGkaN keKaWaN aKU?? seBaB saYang Lah aKu tak naK dIoraNg sUsah paYah meNcaRi emeL daLam cOnTacT bOoK uNtuk dIforwaRdkaN emEL itU..hehehehe...
taPi keKAdaNg aKu terpIkiR..mY Life beCome WoRsT daY aFtEr daY..adakaH seBAb aKu tiDak meMforwArdKAn emEL-eMeL Nih??

~keEp PusHinG On..~

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